Crisis Management & Risk Mitigation for Events

Crisis Management & Risk Mitigation for Events Certificate


Crisis management is the new normal. Event managers must be adept at preparing for and responding to an array of potential threats. Whether it’s natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires and floods, or man-made crises like cyber-attacks, active shooters, or assaults, event professionals must ensure they are well-prepared to respond to emergencies.

Harvard professor and national and homeland security expert Juliette Kayyem will discuss Event Risk Mitigation & Crisis Management (RMCM) to provide knowledge and lessons learned for those who oversee or guide operational as well as security and safety efforts. Every event management leader must now know the basics of security management, as it is a shared responsibility for all senior management.

From over 20 years of working in the field as a practitioner, academic, media commentator and private consultant, Kayyem will guide participants through a crisis management framework including assessing risks, buttressing preparedness, learning the skills of crisis communication, and building resiliency. This course will offer valuable tools to guide event management through crises for years to come.

Only 25 seats available.


  • Experienced event and meeting professionals looking to elevate their ability to assess risk, improve their disaster management planning & preparation for large scale events.
  • Event organizers who seek a basic understanding of a shared responsibility in event planning, safety and security.
  • Event leaders looking to develop a crisis management & communications plan for their events.
  • Event or meeting professionals who liaise with senior management on matters of risk assessment and mitigation for their events.

  • Build a custom crisis management plan for your team that can be shared with staff, crew, event vendors, and volunteers.
  • Define and understand the role event managers play in risk and crisis management.
  • Determine common health, safety, and regulatory compliance requirements, and contingency and response plans applicable to your event.
  • Understand how to best manage public narrative and determine the timing of public communication.
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    Juliette Kayyem

    Professor Juliette Kayyem has spent the last two decades in both state and federal government managing complex policy initiatives and organizing government responses to major crises. Kayyem serves as the faculty chair of the Homeland Security and Security and Global Health Projects at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government where she teaches in homeland security and crisis management. Previously, she served as President Obama’s Assistant Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security and before that as MA Governor Deval Patrick’s Homeland Security Advisor managing complex policy initiatives and organizing government responses to major crises.

    A CNN national security analyst, Pulitzer Prize finalist, and contributor for The Atlantic and WGBH, Kayyem also advises governors, mayors, and corporations on crisis management, especially during COVID-19 response. Additionally, she is the CEO of Grip Mobility, a technology company that provides security features for the transportation industry. Juliette is the author or editor of six books, including the best-selling book Security Mom; her next book “The Devil Never Sleeps: How to Prepare When Disasters Are No Longer Random and Rare” will be published in March 2022 by Public Affairs.

    View Juliette's Profile

    Week 1 | Get Your Head Around It: Introduction to Risk & Crisis Management

  • Defining risk and crisis management in events
  • Understanding the role event managers play in risk and crisis management
  • Exploring common and extraordinary risks that planners may face
  • Defining “Duty of Care”, and basic legal responsibilities relating to risk management at events
  • Determining common health, safety, and regulatory compliance requirements applicable to the event that may apply to risk management planning (Interview: Joe Allen)
  • Week 2 | Beyond the “Black Swan”: High-Consequence Events

  • Identifying and analyzing potential risks related to events
  • Analyzing crowd movements and patterns (Interview: Crowd Control Expert)
  • Determining possible contingency and response plans to identified risks
  • Utilizing common risk analysis tools to evaluate probability, and impact
  • Comparing event program components against risk analysis results to determine if changes are required
  • Week 3 | Crisis Management as Standard Operating Procedure: Assume the “Boom”

  • Reviewing the typical stages of risk and crisis management
  • Planning for High Consequence Events
  • Setting the Table: The Architecture of Security (Interview: Ed Davis, CEO at Edward Davis Company, security consulting and crisis management)
  • Week 4 | “You Are Here”: Preparing Now for the Disaster

  • Liaising with emergency services for prevention and preparation
  • Preparing a risk management and contingency plan (Interview: Jonathan Wackrow, COO, Risk Advisory & Global Head of Security at Teneo)
  • Preparing an incident monitoring, communication and response plan
  • Establishing communication protocols for incident response
  • Develop documentation and reporting protocols, processes and requirements
  • Week 5 | Numbers and Hope: Crisis Communication

  • Develop internal and external crisis communication protocols, procedures, and guidelines
  • Communicating risk management plans to event staff, crew and vendors
  • Communicating with and managing attendees during an emergency
  • Managing external communication and public narrative
  • Monitoring and managing social media channels during and after a crises event
  • Managing and responding to media (Interview: Christine Heenan, President & Founder at Clarendon Group)
  • Preparing public statements post-crises
  • Week 6 | Rinse, Repeat: Recovery and Recurring Crises

  • Recovering from an emergency or crisis event
  • Reviewing Cascading Losses, Excess Damage, and Fail Safes
  • Examining and evaluating incident response actions and documentation
  • Before Action Reviews and After Action Reviews (interview: Lt. General Mark Hertling, CNN National Security & Military Analyst)
  • Building Resiliency
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