Event & Meeting Management Fundamentals (EMMF-RETAKE)

If you’re looking to become an event or meeting planner, or you’ve been planning events for a while but never got proper training, this is the ultimate course for you. Here you’ll get a thorough understanding of how events work, why people and companies host events, how the industry is configured, and how to strategically plan and coordinate a typical event from A to Z.

This course will cover the role of events in today’s world, budgets and goals, workflow management, venue selection and negotiation, room layouts and seating formats, food and beverage, entertainment and speakers, design and decor, transportation and logistics, registration and check-in, hybrid meetings, apps and technology, basic lighting, audio visual, and more.

We’re here to help! Feel free to contact info@eventleadershipinstitute.com if you need any help at all during your course, or if you have any questions. 

We look forward to a great class together!

The Event Leadership Institute Team