Inside the Booth
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Most planners get intimidated when it comes to understanding the various components of an audio visual production booth at an event. Long tables with rows of equipment and technical operators make up the guts of your event, yet you might as well be looking at the inside of the space shuttle for all you know. This class aims to demystify the gear and personnel in your typical production booth to give you a better understanding of how it all flows together.Learning Outcomes
- Understand the keys to successful technical production of your event, and what should you ask your service provider before hiring them.
- Be able to identify the key pieces of equipment you’re likely to see, and what are they used for. Will cover audio, projection, camera recording, graphics, lighting, etc.
- Recognize the key personnel you’re likely to see, and what are they in charge of.
- Understand how to convert directions from a Run-Of-Show into actual cue calls to the technical team.

David Marshall
David Marshall brings 35 years of presentation experience to his current position as Production Manager of the New York office of Staging Techniques. He has a long resume as an Equity stage manager, technical director and producer that began with Contempo Commnications in the 1970s. Today David brings all the skills learned throughout his long career to be able to mount shows for Staging Techniques, NY. As a team player he has even been known to participate as a crew member should the need arise. Staging Techniques, with over 40 years of experience, is a leading supplier of technical services and management for events, meetings, and presentations of all kinds. This includes: video projection and control systems, camera facilities packages, audio, lighting, scenic design and staging as well as general production management. While some work is done in the entertainment arena and some for permanent installations, most of the work is done for corporate presentations. Over the years Staging Techniques has serviced at one time or another most of the major companies that build cars, manufacture cosmetics, process data, provide financial services, telecommunicate, bottle soft drinks, distribute entertainment, and build aircraft. Many of those relationships go back 10 to 20 years. Staging Techniques has offices in NY, Seattle, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.