The Psychology of Events
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Other industries utilize sophisticated psychological analysis to make their marketing efforts more impactful. Yet the events industry continues to lag in bringing that discipline and strategic viewpoint to events as marketing vehicles. Using a company’s corporate colors. Hosting an event outdoors. Honoring a recipient using live testimonials. Adding surprises to an experience. Each of these has certain considerations to take into account – budget, logistics etc. But how often are the psychological effects of our event design choices taken into consideration? This presentation will explore the human mind, the various needs we as human beings have, and how through event design we can achieve the greatest impact on guests. NOTE: This class is part of a larger, live presentation that Kevin has developed. If you are interested in having him speak to your audience please contact him directly.Learning Outcomes
- Better understand how people process and value forms of communication.
- Methods to impact how a guest thinks and feels during an event.
- Discover what motivates people to act/transform.

Kevin White, CSEP
Kevin has been a storyteller his entire life. That love of capturing attention and engaging people is what brought him to work with global organizations on their marketing and development efforts for nearly a quarter-century.
In 2011 he founded XPL, an award-winning experiential agency that delivers bold, powerful live events that transform audiences around the world. Clients include institutions such as Harvard Business School, non-profits such as The Special Olympics, governmental units such as the US Department of State, and corporations such as Bugatti. Each brings a diverse set of needs that they entrust Kevin and his team to fulfill.
In addition to serving as an instructor for several Event Leadership Institute professional development courses —including Pandemic Meeting & Event Design and Pandemic On-Site Protocol Training — Kevin has undergone training from the World Health Organization (WHO) on mass gatherings and has also received the Event Safety Access certification from the Event Safety Alliance.
Kevin’s commitment to his industry is demonstrated by his willingness to give back. He has been a professor at New York University and was selected by his peers to serve as the international president of the International Live Events Association (ILEA) in 2014-1015. He is currently working on his first book on innovation in experiential design and recently launched a series of entrepreneurial-based retreats worldwide under the brand, The Table.