Advanced Event Design & Strategy (AEDS-FA22) | Start Date September 15, 2022

  • This course closed on 06/17/2024.

Welcome to the Advanced Event Design & Strategy Certificate Course!

Course Information

CMP Credit Hours:

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Meet Your Instructor

Tammy Moore Kockaya, CMP, CMM

Tammy Moore Kockaya, CMP, CMM, is Senior Director, Product Innovation for PCMA. She guides the professional development and educational course offerings across PCMA and the Event Leadership Institute in this role. She has been a leader in the events industry for 20+ years as an in-house corporate event professional, from her start as a meeting planner with CEB (now Gartner) to leading a 20+ team of meeting and event professionals with KPMG LLP. Before the events industry, Tammy worked in higher education as a student affairs professional with the University of Maryland College Park. As a result, she has a depth of experience driving complex projects and strategic initiatives, developing relationships with stakeholders and vendors, and developing talent.

Tammy joined the Event Leadership Institute in January 2021 as a freelance consultant executing projects and initiatives, developing strategic partnerships, and building the business development function. She was elevated to Chief Strategy & Growth Officer in 2022, prior to ELI’s acquisition by PCMA in January 2023. In addition, she hosts and moderates panel discussions for monthly webinars and ELI Summits, speaks and facilitates workshops on change management, resilience, transitioning from the tactical into the strategic, and team leadership.

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