Event Wars 2.0: Extreme Production Challenge
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ILEA Toronto returns with an updated version of their hands-on event production workshop Event Wars 2.0. Attendees at this live event collaborated in teams to build a production schedule for a theoretical event. Thought Leaders in the areas of Audio Visual, Décor & Design, Venue & Catering, Entertainment and Production guided their teams through the logistics, strategies and tactics required to achieve the vision. Teams were challenged with unexpected obstacles and thought leaders demonstrate how changes can impact the plan for all teams. This fun and interactive session will give you insight into how creating a strong team of event partners and establishing clear lines of communication can solve problems and save money.
Recorded on location at Canadian Special Events Live in Toronto, Canada.
Presented by:
Kimberly Beaune, CSEP Creative Twist
Elizabeth Nutting, CSEP, Production Canada
Wendy Gamble, Aga Khan Museum
Mark Santourdijan, OnQ Entertainment
Gary Krantz, PSAV
Kyle Brooks, Bespoke Audio Visual
Raviv Krikunets, R5 Event Design
Rick Rowe, Presidential Gourmet

ILEA Canada
Be inspired and motivated by new, fresh ideas. Meet event professionals from around the world, and from your own backyard who share your passion for excellence. ILEA – the International Live Events Association is the global association for event industry professionals that is focused on promoting creativity, inspiration, teamwork, education and relationships within its membership.