The Palette of Creativity
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The opportunity to create visuals and share them both before and after an event has never been bigger due to our social media obsessed world. The hard truth is; If you are not telling stories you are not relevant. Visual storytelling is as old as time; from cavemen drawing on cave walls to communications on ancient ruins, people have been using images to share messages and convey thoughts forever. Today, we see visual storytelling being used as a business tool in everything from movie making to the music industry to advertising and especially live events. This session explores the proven methodology behind creating a powerful story and the most effective ways to get that story out there.
Chad Brincheski
Chad Brincheski has managed, produced and won awards for some of the best events in Canada and the United States. Chad graduated from the Hospitality and Tourism program at Ryerson University before spending ten years in catering and conference services with some of Toronto’s greatest hospitality landmarks including the flagship Four Seasons Hotel Toronto. For seven years, Chad was Director of Event Marketing at with one of Canada’s premier event management and promotional marketing firms, before establishing in 2011, ESP Inc., a client-focused agency specializing in creating spectacular events.

Eric Aragon
Eric Aragon has been designing sophisticated, unique and contemporary high profile events in the social and private sector for almost twenty years, winning awards in event and floral design as well as product branding. Eric established the award winning design firm, The Aragon Group in 1994. In 2012, he rebranded his company to be Aragon Cruz Design and successfully created a special niche for his unique brand and style of design. Aragon has designed events or brands for Bell Canada, Fallsview Casino, Rally for Kids with Cancer, Chef Lynn Crawford, It Factor Ltd., Interior Design Show, WMC Fashion Week and Global Gift Gala International.