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The Road Ahead: Navigating The Next 12 Months In The Events Industry
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When will the economy reopen, and what does that even look like? More importantly, just because businesses may reopen doesn’t mean organizations will be ready or willing to host their events in anything resembling pre-Covid numbers. And for those that do, it may take some time for attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors to feel comfortable traveling to, and attending, many events. With all this uncertainty, how should planners be adjusting their thinking for the next 12 months? How should agencies, vendors, venues & other suppliers approach budgeting and projections? This webinar will take a 10,000 foot view of what the world will look like in the year ahead, how Covid may change social behavior, and how both of those will impact the face-to-face events industry.
In this special high-level program,
1. Former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security and CNN Analyst Juliette Kayyem will share her widely used 5 Stages of Crisis Management plan and explain where we are right now and what’s likely to happen in the coming year.
2. PCMA CEO Sherrif Karamat will discuss how business events will evolve over the short and long term, and how companies, associations and other organizations can continue to engage their audiences and provide value to stakeholders.
3. FIRST Agency founder and event industry investor Richard Waddington will provide insight into what event businesses must do to survive and thrive in this new climate, and the landscape for M&A among event agencies.
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Thursday, April 23, 2020
12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern
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• Identify & explain several different scenarios for how government recommendations on social distancing, and their impact on events, are likely to change over the coming year.
• Implement strategies for organizations to engage their constituents in the current climate, and provide value for event and business stakeholders.
• Evaluate realistic best & worst case scenarios for event businesses based on varying projections of when and to what extent event activity resumes.
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[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_2,1_2″ _builder_version=”4.4.2″][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ _builder_version=”4.4.2″][et_pb_team_member name=”Juliette Kayyem” position=”Former Assistant Secretary, Department of Homeland Security; Harvard Kennedy School Professor; CNN Analyst; Author of Security Mom” image_url=”https://files.eventleadershipinstitute.com/2020/04/kayyem.png” _builder_version=”4.4.3″ header_level=”h1″ position_text_color=”#c2ce49″ position_font_size=”21px” background_layout=”dark” width=”100%” custom_padding=”|50px||50px|false|false”]
Juliette Kayyem has spent over 15 years managing complex policy initiatives and organizing government responses to major crises in both state and federal government. She is currently a Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where she is Faculty Chair of the Homeland Security and Security and Global Health Projects. She is additionally an on-air national security analyst on CNN. Previously, she served as President Obama’s Assistant Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Advisor to the Governor of Massachusetts. The author of the best selling “Security Mom”, she is also a Pulitzer finalist for her opinion columns in the Boston Globe. Kayyem is the Founder of Kayyem Solutions, LLC, which provides strategic advice in cybersecurity, resiliency planning, risk management, mega-event security, infrastructure protection, and cybersecurity. She is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.
[/et_pb_team_member][et_pb_team_member name=”Richard Waddington” position=”Founder and Former CEO, FIRST Agency; Chairman, EMA-UK (Event Marketing Association); micebook, Event Industry Investor, advisor and mentor.” image_url=”https://files.eventleadershipinstitute.com/2020/04/richard.png” _builder_version=”4.4.3″ header_level=”h1″ position_text_color=”#c2ce49″ position_font_size=”21px” background_layout=”dark” width=”100%” custom_padding=”|50px||50px|false|false”]
Richard Waddington – Chair EMA (Event Marketing Association) the UK industry association for in-house eventprofs. www.ema-uk.com
Formally Founder and CEO of First Protocol now FIRST Richard has been involved in the events and hospitality industry all his life.
Having exited FIRST at the end of 2012 through a MBO he has stayed extremely active in the industry, investing in numerous startups, advisory / Non Exec rolls, industry voice etc
Richard set up EMA in 2013 as a not for profit in response to a number of corporate contacts wanting their own industry network where they could meet and discuss in a peer to peer environment. With now over 1000 members across the UK EMA is the home and voice for the in-house event professional. A couple of investments are – Micebook.com is a new innovative platform for the mice industry, to search for suppliers and inspiration, and also to capture, store and share you knowledge across your team. Silkfred.com – online female fashion portal for over 800 independent designers, and numerous others.
[/et_pb_team_member][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ _builder_version=”4.4.3″][et_pb_team_member name=”Sherrif Karamat, CAE” position=”President and Chief Executive Officer, Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA)” image_url=”https://files.eventleadershipinstitute.com/2020/04/sherrif.png” _builder_version=”4.4.3″ header_level=”h1″ position_text_color=”#c2ce49″ position_font_size=”21px” background_layout=”dark” width=”100%” custom_padding=”|50px||50px|false|false”]
Sherrif Karamat, CAE, is President and Chief Executive Officer of PCMA. Karamat also serves as President of the PCMA Foundation and Publisher of Convene magazine. As CEO, Karamat leads the vision, mission and promise for PCMA’s global family of brands. Karamat serves the greater business events industry as a prominent business architect, enabling our community to become a catalyst for economic and social progress, organizational success, and personal and professional development. In his previous role as Chief Operating Officer, Karamat led the development and implementation of PCMA’s new vision: driving global economic and social transformation through business events. In addition to his responsibilities at executive level, Karamat also directed streamlining of PCMA’s content creation and delivery channels into one organization. He oversaw partnership, business services, membership, business development and technology teams.
[/et_pb_team_member][et_pb_team_member name=”Howard Givner” position=”Founder and Executive Director, Event Leadership Institute” image_url=”https://files.eventleadershipinstitute.com/2020/04/howard.png” _builder_version=”4.4.3″ header_level=”h1″ position_text_color=”#c2ce49″ position_font_size=”21px” background_layout=”dark” width=”100%” custom_padding=”|50px||50px|false|false”]
With over 20 years of industry experience, Howard Givner is a widely recognized expert and innovator in the field of events, business growth strategy, technology and education. He is the founder of Paint The Town Red, Inc., and the former CEO of North America for Global Events Group, the 13th largest event agency in the world, which acquired Paint The Town Red in 2008. During his tenure the company won over 30 industry awards. Howard is a Past President of the ILEA (International Live Events Association) NY Metro Chapter; has served on the board of directors of MPI (Meeting Professionals International) Greater NY Chapter as VP of Education; is a member of the BizBash NY Advisory Board; has served on the Advisory Board of Special Events Magazine; been a judge of the Gala Awards & HSMAI’s Adrian Awards. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences on a wide range of topics. He has been profiled in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, National Public Radio, ABC News, The Apprentice, and USA Today, in addition to numerous trade media.