What does the Delta variant and the ongoing push for health passes mean for the return of in-person events? Register for our webinar on August 18 to hear a panel of industry experts discuss the medical, legal, and tactical implications.

After some initial optimism that the world was past the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Delta variant in combination with the societal battle over vaccine hesitancy vs. vaccine mandates has again pushed the meeting and event industry back into uncertainty.

In this webinar, we will hear medical, legal, and tactical perspectives on this next state of the pandemic and what options and obligations meeting planners have right now.

We will parse the latest guidance from the CDC, explore health/vaccine passes, and hear directly from the trenches of a large trade show for best practices.

Exclusive for paid ELI Members: Immediately following the webinar, join a deeper discussion to interact with the speakers and ask questions. 

Not an ELI member? Learn more about becoming a member to join us for the exclusive discussion.

Learning Outcomes:

  • What the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic means for planning in-person events
  • How health/vaccine passes work and what options planners have
  • Legal obligations of requiring masks, proof of vaccine, and testing at events
  • How to implement a vaccine or testing requirement and communicate it to attendees: a large-event case study
  • Tips on enforcement of health and safety requirements

Have a question for the speakers? Submit your questions in advance to [email protected] and we’ll include it in the discussion.

Webinar Presenters


Steven A. Adelman, Attorney | Adelman Law Group, PLLC and Vice President | Event Safety Alliance

Steven is head of Adelman Law Group, PLLC in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Vice President of the Event Safety Alliance.

His practice focuses on risk and safety at live events throughout North America, and he serves as an expert witness in crowd-related lawsuits. Steve Adelman is principal author of the authoritative Crowd Management standard, ANSI ES1.9-2020, and lead author of the Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide, which has been translated into nearly a dozen languages.

He is a law professor, author of the “Adelman on Venues” blog, and he has served as health and safety director for live events across the United States, and can be reached at [email protected].

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Jessica Malaty Rivera, Infectious Disease Epidemiologist and Science Communication Lead |
The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic

Jessica is an infectious disease epidemiologist and science communicator. She earned her MS in Emerging Infectious Diseases from the Georgetown School of Medicine and has dedicated the last 15 years of her career to disease surveillance research, public health policy, and vaccine advocacy.

Her specialty is in translating complex scientific concepts into impactful, judgment-free, and accessible information for a diverse audience. She is currently the Science Communication Lead for The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, a researcher with the COVID-19 Dispersed Volunteer Research Network, and an expert contributor for NBC Bay Area and CNN.

Between her day jobs and being a full-time mama to two little kids, she also dedicates several hours a week to promoting science literacy and debunking misinformation on social media.

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Kyle Marsden-Kish, Global Gaming Event Director | ReedPop

Kyle Marsden-Kish is a 15 year veteran of the trade show industry working in marketing, sales, and management on both the b2b and b2c sectors.

Kyle has been working for ReedPop and the PAX team for over 10 years in both a domestic and global role overseeing the day-to-day business. He currently resides in CT with his family and enjoys sports, cooking, the outdoors, and just a few video games.

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Eric Piscini, Global VP Payer and Emerging Business Networks | IBM Watson Health

Eric leads a multi-disciplinary and global team to develop new business platforms and networks based on the latest innovative technologies including blockchain, artificial intelligence, industry analytics and hybrid clouds. Under Eric’s leadership, IBM Watson Health launched many products including Digital Health Pass, a new way for individuals to demonstrate their health status.

Before joining IBM, Eric was the Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Reserve, a blockchain technology startup providing a revolutionary global supply chain solution across industries. Citizens Reserve is
leading the SUKU project, building Supply Chain as-a-service ecosystem on blockchain.

From 2013 to 2018, Eric was the global blockchain leader for Deloitte Consulting and the co-lead of the global blockchain and digital assets team, launching and growing a global team of 1200 members. As part
of his global function, Eric developed blockchain strategies and solutions for his clients, created a large ecosystem of large and small partners and led teams to bring blockchain technologies to reality.

Eric regularly speaks and writes on the business of innovation,
blockchain and emerging networks. He has been interviewed in The
Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, Off the chain podcast, American Banker and CoinDesk.

He earned a Masters in Computer Science from University of Paris VI, France and a Masters in Economics from Cergy-Pontoise, France.


Daniel Richards, Founder and CEO | Global Rescue

Daniel has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Global Rescue since he founded the company in 2004. He also serves as the President of Crisis Services Company, a Vermont-based captive insurance company. Mr. Richards has been a featured speaker on CNN, Fox News, NPR and other major media outlets regarding crisis response, mitigation and travel risk management topics.

He currently serves on the U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board at the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the Chairman of the Board of Global Wildlife Conservation, a science-based environmental conservation organization, is an Ambassador for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Team, and a Global Member of the World Travel and Tourism Council.

Prior to founding Global Rescue, Mr. Richards spent a decade in the private equity and financial services industries. He previously worked at the $1.3 billion private equity affiliate of Thomas Weisel Partners and in various positions at Thoma Cressey Equity Partners, Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette and Deutsche Banc Alex Brown. Over the last two decades, he has been involved in financings and private equity investments for more than 30 companies. Mr. Richards is a graduate of Middlebury College where he played football, rugby and was a competitive powerlifter. He received his MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College where he has served as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence.