
Inside the Event Production Booth: Commonly Used Equipment


The production booth can be a bit intimidating when you first walk inside, with a confusing maze of switches and buttons, and tons of unfamiliar gear.

We’re going to make the production booth a bit less overwhelming by breaking down the most commonly used equipment you’ll find in a typical booth.

Light Board

  • Functions as a giant dimmer switch
  • Controls different lighting elements and the overall look of the event
  • Controlled by a light board operator

Audio Board

  • Manages the volume level and quality of sound in the room
  • Monitors and modifies sound.
  • May be attached to a CD player, computer, or instant replay

Graphics Station

  • Typically includes two computers running PowerPoint or Keynote
  • May include an audio interface that links sound to the mix board
  • Will often have an interface that links the graphics station to the switcher
  • Has a cue light, which helps presenters advance slides throughout their presentation

Camera Control

  • Consists of monitors and a camera control unit (CCU)
  • CCU allows cameras to be controlled by remote control
  • Will sometimes have image magnification (iMAG), which provides the audience with a close-up image of the presenter


  • An event may have multiple cameras. If it does, a switcher (a live human) is needed and often times an additional director may be required
  • Each camera has a purpose for capturing certain perspectives and angles
  • Cameras can be handheld or mounted


  • Helps switch between different elements like video, PowerPoint, audio tracks, and cameras
  • Controlled by a tech professional who follows cues and sets up the shots


  • Not necessarily at every event, but growing more popular
  • Can record just one program, like the iMAG, or do an iso-record where every camera has its own recording deck
  • Recording can be used for promotional efforts, internal records, proving compliance, and more


  • Run through a laptop computer
  • There are two types of prompters: presidential/executive (unobtrusive glass panels on either side of the lectern) and floor monitors (preferable if the presenter will be walking around)

Confidence/Downstage Monitors

  • Helps presenters know what’s on the screen behind them, so they don’t have to break their connection with the audience by turning around
  • Can be a flat screen panel or LCD screen
  • There can be several dispersed around the room or stage

Audience Response Systems

  • Devices or clickers that allow audience members to respond and interact during the event
  • Typically require 2 computers and a control box in the booth
  • Keypads are typically wireless and transmit signals to the box in the booth